
SenseiDan: #16582 of 16742
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Kitsune Dragon BJJ Gi - Black

Anyone here know of a good way to get back into the swing of things? I haven't rolled in about a year or two and I'm just so nervous to go back! Last time I stopped because my sensei wouldn't address me by my name, only as "it". The nickname really hurt my feelings, especially the facial expressions he'd use when saying "it". He always looked so mortified. :(   
8/25/2021 11:39:31 PM
1 Comment
Comment on:
Kitsune Dragon BJJ Gi - Black

Oh my you sound like a monster. Has your sensei forgiven you and allowed you back since? Or have you had to find somewhere else to train. I'm trying to be more like you going back so maybe the fear will make the kids respect me more.
8/25/2021 11:49:56 PM
Comment on:
Kitsune Dragon BJJ Gi - Black

You are in for a reality check brother. They tried this with me, and only a few days ago did I realize they were only promoting me as some sick joke between everyone in the class. They also signed me up for a tough runner without my knowledge. I'm not tough and I don't even run!
8/25/2021 11:53:41 PM
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